


2025-01-20 11:16:02
本文摘要:Traveling into space has been a lasting dream of mankind since ancient times. However, even by now, humans have only been to the moon. Earth and the moon are just small parts of our solar system, not to mention the vast Milky Way. Like our ancestors, we cannot help wondering what else there may be in our vast universe.遨游太空自古以来乃是人类持久的梦想。

Traveling into space has been a lasting dream of mankind since ancient times. However, even by now, humans have only been to the moon. Earth and the moon are just small parts of our solar system, not to mention the vast Milky Way. Like our ancestors, we cannot help wondering what else there may be in our vast universe.遨游太空自古以来乃是人类持久的梦想。然而,如今人们的足迹只抵达了月球。地球和月球都只是太阳系的一小部分,更加别提辽阔的银河系了。

于是以如同我们的祖先一样,我们不已不会想要,辽阔的宇宙中究竟还有哪些不得而知的事物。The Voyager probes might be able to give us the answer one day. According to NASA, Voyager 2 is getting close to the edge of our solar system.“旅行者号”探测器也许有朝一日需要给我们答案。美国航空航天局回应,“旅行者2号”正在大大附近太阳系的边缘。

Voyager 2 is now 17.7 billion kilometers away from Earth, according to Newsweek. It is now in the heliosphere, which marks the edge of our solar system.据《新闻周刊》报导,目前,“旅行者2号”距离地球177亿公里。现在探测器正处于太阳系的边缘——日光层。

If Voyager 2 continues traveling at a fixed speed of 15.4 kilometers per second, it will probably leave our solar system in late 2019 or early 2020. It will become the second manmade object to leave our solar system following its sister spacecraft Voyage 1, which did so in 2012.如果“旅行者2号”之后按照每秒15.4公里的相同速度行进,也许将于2019年末或2020年初离开了太阳系。该探测器将沦为第二个离开了太阳系的人造物体,此前,它的姐妹探测器“旅行者1号”于2012年飞离太阳系。

Since it launched in 1977, Voyager 2 has sent many messages back to us. “It has educated us to the unknown wonders of the universe and truly inspired humanity to continue to explore our solar system and beyond,” Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, told Universe Today, a US-based space and astronomy news website.“旅行者2号”自1977年升空以来,之后传到了不少信息。“它告诉他了我们宇宙中不为人知的奇迹,确实唤起了人类之后探寻太阳系内外,”美国航空航天局科学任务局副局长托马斯·祖布臣在拒绝接受美国太空天文新闻网站“今日宇宙网”专访时回应。Apart from exploring the vast universe, Voyager 2 is also carrying the message from Earth. According to the Washington Post, there is a golden record aboard the Voyager 2. It contains 115 images and sounds from Earth, ranging from an image of a chimpanzee to greetings in 55 languages. The record could serve as a “time capsule and transmit much more information about life on Earth, should extraterrestrials find it,” Smithsonian Magazine reported.?除了探寻辽阔的宇宙之外,“旅行者2号”还载有来自地球的信息。

据《华盛顿邮报》报导,“旅行者2号”上放置一张金唱片,内有地球上115段图像和声音,从大猩猩的图片到55种语言的问候语等等。据《史密森尼杂志》报导,“如果外星人能寻找这张唱片,它能作为一个时间胶囊,传播更加多地球生物的信息。”However, extraterrestrials might not get the chance to find it. According to Popular Science, the nuclear batteries that power the Voyager probes may stop working around 2030.然而,外星人们也许没机会寻找唱片了。据《科技新时代》杂志报导,驱动“旅行者号”探测器的核能电池或将于2030年前后暂停工作。


