

‘米兰app官方下载最新版’双语科技百科(近现代成就) 第87期:武汉长江大桥

2025-01-19 11:16:01
本文摘要:First Bridge over the Yangtze River武汉长江大桥Wuhan Changjiang River Bridge began to be built on September l, 1955.It was opened to traffic October 13 , 1957. The whole bridge is 1670 meters long. The main bridge is 1156 meters long. The bridge approach in the north end is 303 meters long. The bridge approach in the south end is 211 meters long. It is 80 meters high from the fundus to the surface of the highway bridge. The bridge has two storeys. The lower is the railway bridge. It is 14,5 meters wide. Two trains in the opposite direction can run across it at the same time. The upper is the highway bridge. It is 22.5 meters wide. Four cars can run across side by side. The main bridge is a bridge with 3 continuous spans. Each span has 3 arches. There are 8 abutments and 9 arches in total. Every arch has a span of 128 meters. Large ships can sail across it all the year round.武汉长江大桥初建1955年9月1日,于1957年10月15日竣工通车。

First Bridge over the Yangtze River武汉长江大桥Wuhan Changjiang River Bridge began to be built on September l, 1955.It was opened to traffic October 13 , 1957. The whole bridge is 1670 meters long. The main bridge is 1156 meters long. The bridge approach in the north end is 303 meters long. The bridge approach in the south end is 211 meters long. It is 80 meters high from the fundus to the surface of the highway bridge. The bridge has two storeys. The lower is the railway bridge. It is 14,5 meters wide. Two trains in the opposite direction can run across it at the same time. The upper is the highway bridge. It is 22.5 meters wide. Four cars can run across side by side. The main bridge is a bridge with 3 continuous spans. Each span has 3 arches. There are 8 abutments and 9 arches in total. Every arch has a span of 128 meters. Large ships can sail across it all the year round.武汉长江大桥初建1955年9月1日,于1957年10月15日竣工通车。全桥总长1670米,其中正桥1156米,北岸主桥303米,南岸主桥211米。从基底至公路桥面低80米,下层为双线铁路桥,长14.5米,两列火车可同时南丫岛。


There is one bridge tower at each end of the bridge. They are in national architectural style. Each is 35 meters high. There are 7 storeys from the hall on the ground floor to the pavilion on the top floor. People can go up and come down by lift. The auxiliary buildings and all kinds of decorations are very compatible with the whole bridge. The whole bridge looks extremely magnificent. People can take the lift from the ground floor directly to arrive at the road surface of the highway bridge. When people stand on the bridge and look into the distance, they will find that the three towns of Wuhan combine into one whole. It makes people full of imagination. One bridge is built spanning the river, which makes the traffic convenient. Wuhan Changjiang River Bridge not only unites the three towns of Wuhan into one body, but also greatly promotes the development of industry and agriculture.正桥的两端设有具备民族风格的桥头堡,各低35米,从底层大厅至覆以亭,共7层,有电动升降梯可供人上下。附属建筑和各种装饰协商精致,整座大桥出现异常壮丽。若从底层跪电动升降梯可必要上大桥公路桥面参观,远眺四周,整个武汉三镇连成一体,也切断了被长江阻隔的京汉、粤汉两铁路,构成原始的京广线,使人心旷神怡,浮想联翩,感叹“一桥飞架南北,天堑变通途”。



