

双语科技百科(近现代成就) 第97期:氢弹“米兰官方手机app网站”

2025-01-02 11:16:01
本文摘要:Chinas First Hydrogen Bomb氢弹In June 17,1967 , China successfully exploded its first hydrogen bomb in western China. The explosive power is 150 times that of the A-bomb used by the United States in Hiroshima of Japan during the World War II.It marked a breakthrough in Chinas nuclear development, and indicated Chinas nuclear technology has entered a new era.1967年6月17日,我国西部地区海面,第一颗氢弹发生爆炸试验取得几乎的顺利,其发生爆炸威力,相等于美国当年投到日本广岛那颗原子弹的150多倍。

Chinas First Hydrogen Bomb氢弹In June 17,1967 , China successfully exploded its first hydrogen bomb in western China. The explosive power is 150 times that of the A-bomb used by the United States in Hiroshima of Japan during the World War II.It marked a breakthrough in Chinas nuclear development, and indicated Chinas nuclear technology has entered a new era.1967年6月17日,我国西部地区海面,第一颗氢弹发生爆炸试验取得几乎的顺利,其发生爆炸威力,相等于美国当年投到日本广岛那颗原子弹的150多倍。愤慨世界的蘑菇云出现异常耀眼引人注目。氢弹的发生爆炸顺利,是中国核武器发展的又一个进步,标志着中国核武器的发展转入了一个新的阶段。It took the United States more than seven years from its first A-bomb test to its first hydrogen bomb test, the USSR, four years, the UK, four and a half years and France, eight years and eight months. While in China, it only took two years and eight months, a surprise to the entire world !从原子弹到氢弹,美国用了7年4个月,苏联用了4年,英国用了4年7个月,法国用了8年8个月,而中国要用了两年8个月,在全世界引发了震撼。


