印度升空其最大火箭:GSLV Mk-III火箭_米兰官方手机app网站
India launches its biggest ever rocket:Capsule onboard the mighty GSLV Mk-III could one day carry astronauts into space.印度升空其最大型的火箭:GSLVMk-III火箭上的太空舱有朝一日也许不会装载宇航员转入太空。India successfully launched its biggest ever rocket today in an effort to ramp up its ambitious space programme.印度升空了其最大型的火箭以展开其雄心勃勃的太空计划。The rocket, designed to carry heavier communication and other satellites into higher orbit, blasted off from Sriharikota in the southeast state of Andhra Pradesh.这种火箭在设计上是用来装载重型通信和其他卫星转入更高轨道的,在东南部安德拉邦的斯里赫里戈达岛升空升空。
The launch was the next crucial step inIndias space programme history, after the nation successfully put a satelliteinto orbit around Mars in September.这次升空在印度空间项目历史上是关键的另一步,而在九月份印度顺利将一颗卫星送往火星周围的轨道上。This was a very significant day in the history of (the) Indian space programme, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) chairman K.SRadhakrishnan said from mission control.“这在印度空间项目历史上,这是具备最重要意义的一天,”印度空间研究的组织主席如是说。
ISRO scientists have been riding high since an Indian spacecraft successfully reached Mars on a shoe-string budget, winning Asias race to the red planet.在支出不多的情况下,印度顺利的将一颗卫星送往火星,是亚洲首个到达火星的国家,这让印度空间研究的组织的科学家们情绪高涨。Although India has successfully launched lighter satellites in recent years, it has struggled to match the heavier loads sent up by other countries.虽然印度最近几年也顺利升空了一些轻型卫星,但是在火箭装载量上却无法和其他国家抗衡。
The new rocket, weighing 630 tonnes and capable of carrying 4 tonnes, is a boost for Indias attempts to grab a greaterslice of the 190 billion ($300 billion) global space market.而这种新型的火箭重达630吨,能装载4吨重的物体,这将让印度在价值约3000亿美元的全球太空市场中取得更大的一杯羹。