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Marc Benioff, the voluble CEO of Salesforce, has never been shy about taking potshots at Microsoft. To wit: at TechCrunch Disrupt in September he called the company acomplete disaster and said the only way to save it was to bring back Bill Gates as CEO, at least for long enough to give him time to push the reset button.Salesforce公司首席执行官马克o贝尼奥夫向来十分健谈、语出惊人,批评起微软公司(Microsoft)来从不不会说什么。这不:在去年九月举办的TechCrunch Disrupt大会上他就曾多次把微软公司称作“彻头彻尾的灾难”,还说道解救它的唯一办法就是把比尔o盖茨请求回去做到首席执行官,而且最少要给他充足宽的时间,让他能按下“重新启动键”。Oh, what a difference a few months -- and a new Microsoft CEO -- can make.噢,才花上了几个月时间——再行再加一位新官上任的微软公司首席执行官——一切就仅有变样了。
On Thursday Benioff was busy giving the warmest of corporate embraces to Satya Nadella, Microsofts new CEO, as the two companies signed a broad strategic partnership. I am absolutely thrilled to be partnering with Satya, Benioff said during a teleconference with reporters and analysts. I couldnt be happier with how things have gone. Benioff also took to Twitter, where he posted smiling photos of him and Nadella side-by-side looking like BFFs.上周四,这两家公司签订了普遍的战略合作伙伴协议。就在签下仪式上,贝尼奥夫充满热情地忙着向微软公司新任首席执行官萨蒂亚o纳德纳断然拒绝。贝尼奥夫在与记者和分析师进电话会议时说:“能与萨蒂亚合作我真是太兴奋了。
迄今为止,一切进展成功,让我感到难过。” 贝尼奥夫也讨厌玩Twitter,还特地放了与纳德纳的各种合影。照片上两人并肩而立、面带微笑,活像一对一辈子的老朋友。Nadella returned the affection. Its a pleasure working with you and your team, he said during the call. I couldnt be more pleased that we are partnering across many areas of our business.纳德纳也大力对此了这股热乎劲。
他在这个会议上称:“能与您及您的团队合作十分无聊。我们能在多个业务领域达成协议合作让我十分高兴。”The details of the deal will be important to the enterprise customers of both companies. The companies laid out some of them in a press release, and more specifics are sure to emerge in coming days.双方合作的细节对这两家公司的企业客户来说至关重要。
在新闻发布会上,两家公司发布了一些合作事项,更加明确的细节认同不会在近日透露。Perhaps more important, the deal is the latest indication that while Nadella is not Gates, he has indeed pushed the reset button at Microsoft (MSFT). Nadella announced the partnership with Salesforce just 36 hours after speaking at an industry conference where, as my colleague Adam Lashinsky noted, he distinguished himself for his candor. Laying out Microsoft challenges, and its strengths, forthrightly, is just one of the many ways in which Nadella is breaking with the past in both style and substance. For some in the industry, including the also voluble CEO of Box, Aaron Levie, the change couldnt have come too soon.有可能更加最重要的在于,这一近期合作指出,尽管纳德纳不是盖茨,但他显然早已按下了微软公司的重新启动键。纳德纳在一个行业会议上公开发表讲话后仅有过了36小时就宣告与Salesforce创建合作关系。我的同事亚当o拉辛斯基认为,就在这个会议上,纳德拉以坦率的态度夺得了众人的注目。
无论在形式上,还是在实质上,纳德拉都通过很多方式与过去界线了界限,而直言不讳地坦白微软公司面对的挑战及其优势只是其中的一种方式。而对业内有些人来说,还包括某种程度健谈的Box公司首席执行官亚伦o李维,这种转变还会迅速构建。Of course, Nadella is not the only one embracing pragmatism. Benioff too seems increasingly willing to bury the hatchet with perennial foes. In June, it cut a deal with arch-enemy Oracle.当然,并不是只有纳德拉才采行实用主义的作法。贝尼奥夫也或许一天比一天更加不愿和多年的宿敌停火妥协。
6月份,Salesforce就将与自己的劲敌甲骨文公司(Oracle)达成协议合作协议。Pragmatism can pay off. Salesforce shares (CRM) were up nearly 2% in after hours trading following the announcement of its Microsoft alliance.实用主义认同能带给报酬。在宣告与微软公司达成协议合作仅数小时后,Salesforce的股价就下降了近2%。