

米兰app官方正版官网_超越推特! 新浪微博月活跃用户达3.4亿!

2025-01-22 11:16:01
本文摘要:There are now more people using Sina Weibo, the Chinese micro-blogging platform, than there are using Twitter.比起推特,现在更好的人在用于新浪微博--中国的微型博客平台。

There are now more people using Sina Weibo, the Chinese micro-blogging platform, than there are using Twitter.比起推特,现在更好的人在用于新浪微博--中国的微型博客平台。According to the Chinese companys first quarter results, it has 340 million active monthly users, 30% up on the previous year.根据中国这家公司今年第一季度的统计资料结果显示,微博每月有三亿四千万的活跃用户,比起去年上涨了30%。About 154 million people use the site daily, 91% of whom access it via mobile.约一亿五千四百万人每天都用微博,其中91%的人是通过手机在用于它。

By comparison, Twitter, which is blocked in China, has around 328 million active monthly users.相比之下,推特这个在中国停止使用的平台,每月的活跃用户为三亿两千八百万。Our relentless focus to build the best social media experience in China is reflected in Weibos strong performance, Gaofei Wang, Weibo chief executive, said in a statement.微博CEO王高飞在一则声明中称之为,“我们为创建最差的中国社交网络体验的不懈努力,在微博的强劲影响中获得反映。”Looking ahead, we continue to see strong momentum, as we further optimise Weibo to share, discover and consume information, especially for the mobile, social and video environment.“展望未来,我们的势头将不会持续,我们不会强化优化微博的共享、找到、消费信息的能力,特别是在手机、社交和视频环境下。

”Sina Weibo is the most popular of Chinas micro-blogging services, and it is the preferred platform for most mainland Chinese newspapers and TV stations, which have millions of followers.新浪微博是中国尤为风行的微型博客服务平台,它也是被中国大陆多数报纸和电视台所尊崇的平台,那些报纸和电视台在微博上都有数百万的粉丝。Last year, seeing how popular live streaming video was becoming, Sina Weibo launched its own live streaming app, Yizhibo, nicknamed Yi.去年,在意识到直播早已显得多么风行后,新浪微博也发售了自己的直播软件--一直播,全称“Yi”。


